Below you will find descriptions of the benefits for the two sides to our process. We have patented a method for applying energy to CBD, in which we use both, sound and light to do so. By using ultra sonic sound waves we are able to reduce the molecule size down to less than 100 nanometers. After several layers of filtering we apply an energy field to the CBD oil through a laser effector such that an electron is promoted from a bonding or non-bonding orbital into an empty anti-bonding orbitals of the CBD molecule. This process Nano-sizes the molecules and supercharges them with light, giving you optimal potency and bio-availability.
-The frequency in waves of physics and other fields
●What Makes Nanoparticles Unique? Conventional particle size greater than 100nm obey Newtonian physics since individual atoms and molecules act in a group. Nanoparticles obey Quantum physics because the surface to mass ratio is greater. Individual atoms can exert more influence on behavior of substance. Particle charge, surface tension, and solubility behave differently on this scale. With the addition of sound and light, NuLight CBD offers further enhancement of bio delivery with our product.
●The human body not accessible to conventional sized particles. In one example,
nanoparticles are configured for rapid absorption from gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In other
examples, nanoparticles are protected from premature degradation in body.
●CBD nanoparticles are configured to cross
the blood brain barrier on the order of less than 60nm in size.
● Nanoparticles generally have enhanced absorption and high uptake efficiency in
target cells of the human body. In this regard, nanoparticles have access to portions of the body that traditional whole particles do not.
-an electromagnetic radiation withing a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
● Organic compounds can
absorb UV or visible light, and the wavelength of light
absorbed varies from compound to compound.
● Each wavelength of light has a particular energy associated
with it. If that particular amount of energy is just right for making
one of these energy jumps, then that wavelength will be absorbed- its energy will have been used in promoting an electron.
● Light can be absorbed by matter at certain wavelengths, enhancing the molecules with new matter.
● When light passes through the compound, energy from the light is used to promote an electron from a bonding or non bonding orbital into one of the empty anti-bonding orbitals.
● Each wavelength of light has a particular energy associated with it. If that particular amount of energy is just right for making one of these energy jumps, then that wavelength will be absorbed - its energy will have been used in promoting an electron.
● An absorption spectrometer works in a range from about 200 nm (in the near ultra-violet) to about 800 nm (in the very near infra-red). Only a limited number of the possible electron jumps absorb light in that region.